SRF みんなで鑑賞会
今年も Seoul Rhinoplasty Forum 2021 が開催されます.
ひとりで モニター見るのって やっぱり淋しい・・
それなら いっそのこと みんなでモニターを見ればいいじゃんってことで,鑑賞会を催します.
ワイガヤで あーだこーだと言いながら,お茶しながら,質問しつつ・・
日時 8月22日(日)9:30〜17:30
場所 造形医学研究所
参加費 ¥1,000
定員 13名
で,みんなで うな重と肝吸い取って 食べながらの鑑賞.
これ 自分もやってて いいですよ
鰻食って,コーヒー飲みながら甘物つまみ ちょこちょこ話しながら
なに,この ゆる〜くて 自由で 充実した感じ
よしよし...これから ネタの仕込みにはいるで・・
Time | Program | Speaker |
9:25-9:30 | Welcome remark | |
9:30-10:15 | Session 1. (Rhinoflix video theater I) Basic rhinoplasty procedures | Moderator: Kim Kook Hyun |
1. Opening procedure : Incision, dissection and flap elevation | Lee Da Woon | |
2. Effective tip suture techniques | Seo Hyung Joon | |
3. Tip plasty using septal cartilage | Lee Min Cheol | |
4. Tip plasty using ear cartilage | Shim Jin Hee | |
5. Hump & Osteotomy | Kim Jae In | |
6. Dorsal augmentation : Implant fabrication | Ham Ki Weon | |
10:40-11:25 | Session 2. Advanced technique in rhinoplasty | Moderator:Kang Eun Taek |
1. Deviation correction with osteotomy | Nam Goong Sik | |
2. Step by Step correction of septal deviation and the importance of spreader grafts | Kim Han Jo | |
3. Correction of nostril show | Kim Hyun Soo | |
4. Evaluation of Absorbable Plates as Internal Splint for Treatment of Nasal Septal Cartilage Fractures | Nam Seung Min | |
5. Secondary cleft lip rhinoplasty | Kim Baek Gyu | |
11:50-12:30 | Session 3. (Lucheon Rhinoflix video theater II) Harvesting grafts for rhinoplasty | Moderator: Kim Han Jo |
1. Ear cartilage | Hwang Jin | |
2. Septal cartilage | jeong Woon Hyeok | |
3. Rib cartilage | Kim Dong Seok | |
4. Dermofat | Ko Hyo Sun | |
5. Deep temporal fascia | Kim Jong Ho | |
6. Superficial mastoid fascia | You Hi Jin |
13:00-13:45 | Session 4. My tips and tricks in rhinoplasty : What’s new in rhinoplasty? | Moderator: Choi jong Woo |
1. Nasal and perinasal 3D implant | Baek Jung Hwan | |
2. Perinasal and chin augmentation using Dermofat | Kim Heung Kyu | |
3. Experimental and Long term clinical results of ADM implant | Baek Woo Yeol | |
4. Dorsal augmentation using autologous graft | Kang Eun Taek | |
5. Rhinoplasty using IHCC | Lee Jung Hun | |
6. Absorbable PCL mesh used for Septal cartilage L-strut reinforcement | Jeong Jin Wook | |
14:10-14:55 | Session 5. Complication management related with grafts and materials | Moderator: Suh Man Koon |
1. In vivo comparison of the effect of implant surface on capsule formation | Kim Young Seok | |
2. Silicone implant | Park Sung Wan | |
3. Medpore | Kim Kook Hyun | |
4. PCL mesh | Kim Taek Kyun | |
5. Thread | Kim Min Chul | |
6. Foreign body material injection | Chu Lo Shui | |
15:20-16:10 | Session 6. Update and clinical importance of nasal anatomic structures | Moderator:Kim Young Seok / Jeong Jae Yong |
1. Anatomy of the osseocartilaginous vault | Peter Palhazi(Hungary) | |
2. Nasal anatomy : Ligaments and Spaces of the Nose. Practical Aspects | Yves Saban(France) | |
16:30-17:20 | Session 7. Cases from the Masters : Disaster relief | Moderator: Chu Lo Shui / Park Sung Wan |
1. Contracted nose | Ye Choon Ho / Suh Man Koon | |
2. Structural weakness and functional derangement | Kim Jae Hoon / Dhong Eun Sang | |
3. Skin and soft tissue defect | Jeong Jae Yongm / Choi jong Woo | |
17:40 | Closing remark |